
Rain, rain, go away...

...don't come back another day! (isn't this bad English?)

As much as I love the rain, I hate what it does to a freshly washed car. Damn... and I didn't even get a rain check (my.bad.)

So today was going to be filled with Raye's soccer game (at 12) and Ryann's double-header softball games (1 & 3). Both were cancelled due to the rain (yay!). You'd think that we all just lie around the house and relax right? Not when the night before we were swindled (sp?) into taking home 2 MORE KIDS to spend the night (I seriously have to work on saying "no").

We decide to hose the kids down in the front yard; get them all dressed and head to IHOP. After contemplating waiting for a "rooty tooty" for 30-45 minutes, we left the parking lot and drove over to CoCo's (hey, their wheat bread is pretty good).

Stomachs filled with food, the kids decided to play the WII while the adults crashed.
We had the 'ITIS'


weezermonkey said...

That's perfectly good English to me. :)

wan said...

did you have the rooty tooty fresh and fruity? :)