
T minus 2 (days) and counting!

Can you believe it? Chris will be turning 1 years old on Sunday (02.03.08).
This year has certainly gone by way too quickly. Watching him walk around, kicking
balls and trying to play with his big brother and sister is truly amazing.

Now begins the hectic "Pre-Party Shopping" to get ready for Sunday.

Wish me luck, I'm planning some cool treats and food for the day, Super Bowl style.
(Yooo Hooo TRISH!... we will be partaking on the dip, so I'll tell you how it turned out)


Chou said...

That's one of my favorite life stages to watch! Have a great party. :)

wan said...

i'm often tempted to make that dip just to eat it for dinner.

ah-maze-ing. chris is already 1?? my, how time flies. seems like just yesterday we were having your baby shower. even though we had to have it without a very important part - YOU!

dapotato said...

happy birthday, chris!

R said...

Holy crap! It can't have been a year already. Wow, time flies!