Today we will be celebrating Chris turning 1 years old. It's truly a blessing for us to make it to this milestone. He's such a wonderful baby and more handsome than we could have hoped for. 1 year ago today (at I was eagerly waiting for the doctor to tell me to "push." It had been a long night with no progress in labor (I stayed at 3 cm for about 13+ hours). After 8:38 nothing else mattered as we were able to hold our little guy for the first time.

Here was chris' first diaper change (by his mommy):

...and here is the famous picture of our cable remote kicking Chris' butt (look how big that remote looks compared to the baby):

Well, I'll be back later. It's raining outside but I still have to prepare for Chris' 1st birthday party. It's a Super Bowl themed one (duh) complete with a football cake (that I'm making myself). Wish me luck.
my sappy ass teared up at that look of pure bliss on your face in that picture of you and chris in the hospital.
happy birthday, handsome boy!
Happy Birthday, Chris!!
Happy happy birthday Chris!
Happy Birthday Handsome!
Happy birthday, Chris!
I really love these pictures, I. I still remember receiving the text that he was born. What am I talking about, I still have it saved in my phone!
Happy Birthday Chris!!
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