
How to defrost a turkey

OK, so if you're like me, you do not have 4-5 full days to defrost your bird in the refrigerator; nor do you have the room. I have learned a few ways to thaw out these suckers and wanted to spread my 'wealth of knowledge' to all who plan on preparing our 'gobble-gobble' friends this coming "Turkey Day."

*Warning* - this method is SERIOUSLY more labor intensive!!!

Place Mr. Turkey in a pot of cold water (or stop up your sink with cold water). Allow your bird to soak for 1/2 hour per pound (meaning a 25-pound turkey will thaw in half a day). IMPORTANT - Replace the water every half hour. Make sure that your turkey is in leak-proof packaging; turkey meat can absorb moisture and become watery.

There you have it... ... I just gave you more "labor" to do on your already labor-filled day.

Take care... and good eats.


R said...

Hmmm...that's probably why I usually buy fresh turkey. I'm too lazy! This year I'm off the hook though...no cooking turkey for me. :)

Happy Thanksgiving girl! I hope you and your lovely little family have an amazing day. :)

Nanette said...

I'm not making the turkey this year, but I do love the tip! Have a great Thanksgiving!