After last week, I truly need a relaxing weekend. This weekend wasn't planned for relaxation but thanks to rained out fields (for both soccer and softball) that's what it is turning out to be.
- Monday I had my mandatory property supervisor's meeting, in Long Beach, from 6-9p. This after 3 different practices, cooking dinner, cleaning the house and filing papers away.
- Tuesday was more or less Monday in rewind. The only difference was that I didn't have a meeting, however I still didn't have any down time.
- Wednesday began and 6am. I had to attend court for a lady I was evicting from one of my building. Ms. P.C. (I'll leave her name out of it) first decided to file a response to the letter asking her to vacate the premises. She obtained an attorney from legal aid, who at first told me to drop the suit ($2000+ in past due rent/damages/etc), and allow her to leave quietly. When I declined the offer, they threatened with trial. I was fine with going to trial, since I knew all my paperwork was in a row. One week before trail, I received a call from my company's attorney telling me that legal aid has not been able to get in touch with P.C. I asked if whether I still needed to attend court, and was told that I did if we wanted to persue out money judgement.
So, I show up in court (bright and early) on time. The judge decided not to take the bench until 45 minutes after the start time, and where was my attorney (not to mention legal aid or P.C.)? My attorney came strolling in right around the time our case was going to be called (lucky buzzard). The case was defaulted and my company was awarded the judgement. All of this took nearly 3 hours of my time and a visitor decided to show up right around the time I was exiting the building.
- Thursday began right at around 6a (again). I was being honored at the Apartment Association annual ceremony for 'property manager/supervisor of the year for 101-250 units,' at the Queen Mary. Like all award ceremonies (that I've attended) the food was cold and unseasoned; the coffee was burned; service was horrible; and too many politicians trying to get you to vote for tehm. After the breakfast was the trade show. If you've ever worked a trade show, you know how grueling it can be.... well, that's exactly what it was, grueling.
- Friday was yet another day. Filled with handing out notices, picking up lock boxes, checking the mail to see if any of the past due rent was received, and getting my car washed (yes, I did). After picking up the kids and running home to see my husband (who came home from work early), I made an early dinner and then the family headed over the the kids' friend's house for a little electric football and karoke.