Today's recipe is vanilla cupcakes with buttercream frosting (add crumbled pieces
of Golden Oreo cookies, for added flavor).
*I got the idea (not the recipe) from the cupcakequeen (see blogpage to the right---->)
You can just use a box cake mix to prepare the cupcakes, the true recipe of this post is for the "frosting".
2/3 c butter (still cold)
1 tsp vanilla
4 c confectioner's sugar
4-5 tsp of milk
Beat butter until creamy. Add vanilla. Add sugar 1 cup at a time
(your mixture will be all 'beady' once all of the sugar is added. Add
milk last (this will make it creamy again, I promise). Top cupcakes and


cookie crumbs

finsihed cupcakes (with cookie pieces inside and out)

frosted cupcakes ready to eat!
mmm...those look better than certain other more expensive cupcakes. i <3 oreos.
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I! when did you learn to speak ^that??
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